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LimesVarianten & RegelnExtra

Number of players 1-2* Player Age 8+ Duration 20-30 min.

* Every other game of Limes you have, makes it possible to play with 2 extra people.

Brettspiel für viele personen

Play with as many people as you like!

A box of Limes contains enough cards and meeples to play with two players.

When you buy more games, you can play with more people.

The game doesn’t slow down, because all players play simultaneously.


Die Geschichte

Build your own Roman province.

You build your own Roman province and try to make it as safe as possible. But you must also take care of enough crops and food. And don’t forget to chop enough wood to repair houses and boats.

You try to make your grain fields as large as possible. Have your woodsmen and fishermen deliver wood and fish to as many homes as possible. Meanwhile your watchmen keep an eye on the land.

Das Dilemma

However… you never know exactly which card will be drawn next. Will you wait another round for the perfect card? Or will you adjust your planning? Limes is the game where YOU decide. You place every card. You place every Roman. To win you need a plan. And change it again. And maybe again.


Die Zutaten

Finde heraus ob dieses Spiel Ihnen gefallen könnte.

Knobeln: 7

Planen: 8

Glück: 5

Interaktion: 3

Kommunikation: 4

Punktwertung in einer Skala von 1-10.


Schwierigkeit: 5

Zum Vergleich der Schwierigkeitsstufen kann folgende Gradeinteilung dienen: 1=Gänsespiel 3=6 Nimmt 5=Carcassonne 6=Siedler von Catan 8=Puerto Rico


Die Eckdaten

Verlage, Illustratoren, Verkauf, Auszeichnungen

Abacus Spiele

Verlag: Abacus Spiele.

Illustrator: Claus Stephan.

Verfügbarkeit: Verfügbar in Laden und Webshops in Deutschland, Österreich und die Schweiz.

Auszeichnung: International Gamers Awards 2014. Kategorie: 2-player games.

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