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Abacus will present my new game Limes in Nuremberg

Posted on Jan 17, 2014 by in News from Martyn F |

limes coverIn two weeks’ time Abacus Spiele will present my new board game at the Toy Fair in Nürnberg.

Limes takes you back to the time of the Roman empire. To be more specific, it takes you very close to the border of this once huge realm.

It is your job to grow enough grain and catch enough fish to feed your people. You have to employ wood cutters to get the much needed wood. And very important, you need watchmen on the watch towers. To keep a look out for barbarian attacks and fire.

Limes is based on my board game Cities. The game system is roughly the same. The scoring is totally different though. Moreover, the tiles have a different layout from those in Cities as well. Together they ensure that Limes has become an entirely new game.

If you like Cities, you’re gonna love Limes.



Abacus Spiele


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