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Wadi - The Watchmen | Makes Wadi more strategic!

Wadi - The Watchmen Wadi – The Watchmen is an expansion for Wadi.

Wadi – The Watchmen turns Wadi into a more strategic game.


Demo game

I like to watch | In that case, check out this demo game

demo game wadiIf you would like to see how Wadi is played or if you are not sure you understand all the game rules: take a look at the demo game.

The demo game shows step by step, what actions the players perform. The actions being performed are highlighted with a red square around the involved fields. Next to the game board you find a short explanation of the action being performed.



Who wins in case of a tie?

In case of a tie, the player that has the most shadoofs left in his personal supply wins the game.

In case the tied players have the same number of shadoofs left, they rejoice in their shared victory.


Can Wadi be played by colour blind people?

Yes, most colour blind people will be able to play Wadi. The tiles have distinctive symbols on them. If you are having problems distinguishing red from brown, you might need to use 7 extra pawns in another colour.



Reviews and reactions in english


– Ben Baldanza in: Counter Magazine number 40, February 2008 (scroll down and look at the second list). Quote: “Wadi is an interesting and effective tactical game (..).”

– Online: Dave Simpson at Board Game Geek. Quote: “(..) play can get quite cut-throat relatively quickly.”



“It is fast (barely lasting 20 minutes), and you get much more game out of it than you’d expect at first.” – Maarten D. de Jong at Board Game Geek

“A nice balance between dense placement (diagonally) and looser placement (like a knights move), which affects the amount of water pumped. The same is true of the balance between how much you carve out your own little area, compared to how much you intermingle. You want some cooperative pumping but not too much. Simple rules lead to some tricky decisions.” – Notahandle at Board Game Geek (link doesn’t exist anymore) 🙁

“I recommend the game to anyone who has some tactical potential.” – H van Someren at Funagain

“Tried it a few times and I must say it’s marvelous and challenging. Can recommend it. I checked out the author’s website and found some new scenarios as promised. Great game overall. Tactics may be a little tough the first time.” – Anthony Fisher at Board Game Geek (link doesn’t exist anymore) 🙁

“Dear Wadi, I wasn’t sure whether what kind of game you’d be, but I was pleasantly surprised by your simple elegance and quick teachability. I look forward to picking you up a few more times and getting to know you better. I can’t imagine we’ll ever have any thing lasting, but I am sure you’ll be good for a quickie now and then. Thanks for the fun and have a great summer!” -Gary Milante at Board Game Geek (link doesn’t exist anymore) 🙁



– Wadi gained a 25th place in the top 50 of Hall9000 Spielebarometer (German).


Other languages

This website also contains reviews and reactions in Dutch, German.



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